Saturday, April 2, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor

As we all know, a few days ago, Elizabeth Taylor had passed away... In memory of her, We shall be doing her Celebrity Inspried Fashion blog post!

So Here, we have Elizabeth Taylor in a vintage outfit, how her corset inspired top matches the high waisted shorts. Here, we have a dress from Abercrombie, which has that same corset inspired kind of top and instead of the shorts, its just a dress. This dress can be found here.

Here, we have elizabeth in a party ball gown, her top has ruffles on it which help emphasize her bust. In the next photo, is a dress from Forever 21 which can be found here. It has that loose feel good for spring and summer while being elegant too.

Disclaimer: I was not paid to feature Abercrombie or forever 21, I just found pieces on the website that I felt could be worn as an inspiration to Elizabeth.

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