Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tip Tuesday: Benefits of Water

Must I actually explain how important water is in our life? Firstly we need water as a basic need to hydrate our bodies or we will die of dehydration. But have you ever thought how water benefits our skin? It does in many many ways.

When we drink in water, we actually are detoxing ourselves from all the toxins and impurities in our bodies, this not only makes ourselves healthier, but it also makes our skin cleaner, look younger and feel more refresed. But of course, water will make us go to the toilet to let it all out alot, so make sure you don't hold it in for too long or your body will retake in all the toxins

Water also helps to moisturize the skin and hydrate it. It won't just happen by chugging down lots of water, But in a week of drinking lots of water, you will see an improvement in your skin.

Water is also a very helpful tool for weight loss. Instead of drinking coffee , coke, or gasy drinks, swap them up for some old fashion yummy water, this will help keep gas out of your system, making you apear not bloated but reduce the calaries as water is a non sugary drink.

SO here are some tips on how to stay Hydrated...

  • Keep a water bottle in your bag all the time, even if its just a small one, make sure that you drink up the whole bottle of water by the end of the day. THis will ensure that you drink up lots of water, set a goal for yourself like if you don't finish up the water in the bottle you can't shower that night, or something and stick to it!
Don't buy plastic bottles like these, 1 even though they are 1.50 or less than a dolar per bottle, its still very expensive jsut for water in a bottle. 2, plastic is non biodegradable, thus it pollutes the air and cannot be disposed of by burning as it releases harmful chemicals, thus, it is burried into the ground, which waste land space.

This here, is my handy water bottle from nike, I bring it everywhere with me and its 750ml! I admit I'm not a big water drinker, but I am trying to be one!

Kimmy B

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